GoL, EU, ITC launch ARISE Plus to strengthen inclusive growth in Lao PDR

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Vientiane, the launch ASEAN Regional Integration Support – Lao PDR Trade-Related Assistance Project (ARISE Plus Lao PDR) was held on September 9, 2019 at Crown Plaza Hotel, in conjunction with the official visits of Mr. Neven Mimica, the European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, and ITC Executive Director Arancha González to Lao PDR. The event was hosted by Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
Speaking at the launching ceremony Mr. Somchith Inthamith, Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce as chair of the event emphasized that “Launch of the ARISE Plus Lao PDR Project reinforces to promote inclusive economic growth and business competitiveness through improving the business environment and developing productive capacity of selected sectors with export potential.”
The project seeks to boost Lao PDR’s export competitiveness and integration in regional and global value chains, by promoting trade and tapping into the potential of two selected sectors particularly in processing wood and specialty agriculture. It will enable small and medium-sized enterprises in Lao PDR to increase their export capability in terms of productivity, volume and export to regional and global market.
The ARISE Plus – Lao PDR Project supports by the European Union (EU) with the total amount of EUR 5 million in 4 years implementation which will be implemented in partnership between the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, International Trade Centre and private sectors, and aims at stimulate inclusive economic growth, stimulate job creation, and strengthen climate-change resilience.
The ARISE Plus Lao PDR project is built around three pillars. The first pillar aims to strengthen regional integration, through a better understanding of the challenges and benefits of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) and AEC Blueprint 2025 commitments. The second pillar aims to increase awareness among Laotian enterprises and support organizations focused on export opportunities to international market. The third pillar seeks to support better integration into global and regional value chains for the processed wood and specialty agriculture sectors.
Speaking at the launching ceremony Mr. Somchith Inthamith, Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce as chair of the event emphasized that “Launch of the ARISE Plus Lao PDR Project reinforces to promote inclusive economic growth and business competitiveness through improving the business environment and developing productive capacity of selected sectors with export potential.”
The project seeks to boost Lao PDR’s export competitiveness and integration in regional and global value chains, by promoting trade and tapping into the potential of two selected sectors particularly in processing wood and specialty agriculture. It will enable small and medium-sized enterprises in Lao PDR to increase their export capability in terms of productivity, volume and export to regional and global market.
The ARISE Plus – Lao PDR Project supports by the European Union (EU) with the total amount of EUR 5 million in 4 years implementation which will be implemented in partnership between the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, International Trade Centre and private sectors, and aims at stimulate inclusive economic growth, stimulate job creation, and strengthen climate-change resilience.
The ARISE Plus Lao PDR project is built around three pillars. The first pillar aims to strengthen regional integration, through a better understanding of the challenges and benefits of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) and AEC Blueprint 2025 commitments. The second pillar aims to increase awareness among Laotian enterprises and support organizations focused on export opportunities to international market. The third pillar seeks to support better integration into global and regional value chains for the processed wood and specialty agriculture sectors.

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