USAID Supports Policy Talk Roadshow on Challenges and Opportunities related to the Lao-China Railway

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Vientiane, April 5, 2022. The Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI), with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Laos Business Environment Project, launched the first edition of the 2022 Policy Talk series. This edition builds on a 2021 Policy Talk session which focused on the challenges and opportunities related to railway connectivity.

The event was co-chaired by Ms. Valy Vetsaphong, LNCCI Vice President and Mr. Cullen Hughes, USAID Laos Deputy Country Representative. There were more than 60 virtual participants from provincial public and private sectors; the Ministry of Public Works and Transport; the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; individual businesses, as well as academic institutions.

The Policy Talk was organized into two sessions. The first session provided an overview of the results of a February 2022 Policy Talk roadshow in three northern provinces through which the railway passes. The second session was a panel discussion on the following topic: Resolving Financial and Economic Difficulties through Railway Connectivity and Opportunities. The panelists for this session included representatives from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce; provincial government entities; provincial chambers of commerce and industry; the private sector; and an economist.

During her opening remarks, Ms. Valy Vetsaphong, Vice President of LNCCI, stated that “Policy Talk is an important platform that provides opportunities for SMEs to address the issues and constraints impeding their success. It also supports policy improvements that will strengthen the business enabling environment.” She also added that it is both significant and timely to discuss the impact of the railway and identify the opportunities and address the challenges related to promoting economic growth in Lao PDR, particularly in the context of COVID-19.

Mr. Cullen Hughes reaffirmed the commitment of the United States to supporting Lao PDR in improving the business environment and addressing the economic impact of COVID-19. He noted that “the Policy Talk Roadshow helps the Government of Lao PDR to understand the emerging issues related to railway and freight transportation. Today, Lao PDR has a unique opportunity to maximize the economic benefits of this rail connectivity.” Mr. Hughes further added that the Policy Talk discussion illustrated the importance of frequent government-private sector cooperation for resolving issues, including those related to the railway.

The USAID, through the Laos Business Environment Project, assists the Government of Lao PDR in enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises while strengthening the business environment in Laos.

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