Women Leaders Breaking into male dominated sectors

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Vientiane, 10 March 2023 – To commemorate the International Women’s Day, Ministry of Industry and Commerce in collaboration with the Lao Women Entrepreneurs’ Association organized “High-level panel- breaking into male dominated sectors”.

The event aims to raise awareness about the unique barriers faced by the women and how having women leaders in the male-dominated sectors are indispensable to rebuilding an inclusive, sustainable post pandemic economic recovery.

In Lao PDR, women entrepreneurs tend to be concentrated in smaller firms, be service oriented, and participate in some degree of trade while men tend to be concentrated more on sectors such as construction, transport and warehouses, and electricity and mining, which are medium and large enterprise.

Speaking at the panel discussion, the Deputy Minister, Mrs. Chanshouk Sengphachanh stated that it is time to recognize the achievement and contribution of women in all sectors and realize the full engagement of women in various sectors. “We need to break the biases that hinder women’s full potential to lead the so-called male dominated sectors.”

While talking about the importance of taking a comprehensive approach in promoting women economic empowerment, Mrs. Chanthachone Vongxay, President of Lao Women Entrepreneurs’ Association emphasized that “we need to make necessary changes to our economic policies, laws/regulations as well as stereotypes in the society”.

The panel discussion was moderated by Ms. Viengsam Indavong, Public Diplomacy and Alumni Engagement Manager, Lao Australia Institute, who was able to spotlight the inspiring journeys of four distinguished panelists who have defied the odds and broken into the male dominated sectors, including manufacturing, electricity, engineering consultancy, and quality system certification businesses.

The panel included Mrs. Siriphone Phanthavongs, President of Electrical Civil Mechanical Engineering Company, Mrs. Bounhieng Phommexay, President of Champahom Trade Import-Export Sole Co., Ltd., Mrs. Sivilay Rasachack, Managing Director, MR International Standard Consultant, Mrs. Vidaly Chanthaphasouk, Vice President of SC Design and Construction who have broken into the male dominated sectors.

The panel discussion was attended by the representatives from line government agencies, development partners, and business associations.

The panel discussion event was supported by the LCT Project. The Lao PDR Competitiveness and Trade (LCT) project is implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, with technical and financial support from the World Bank and additional financial contributions from Australia, Ireland, and the United States. The project aims to eliminate barriers to private sector-led growth by improving the regulatory environment, lowering trade costs, and raising firm-level competitiveness.

Categories: LCT NEWS