MOIC organized the 11th BAF Task Force Meeting and BAF Information Session

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Vientiane Capital, 14 August 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) organized the 11th BAF II (Business Assistance Facility, phase II) Task Force Meeting and BAF Information Session. The objective of the first session of the meeting was to review the current progress, challenges and priorities of the BAF II implementation, while the second session of the meeting was to present the BAF II Interim Impact Assessment by EMC and open opportunities for participants to learn more about BAF II through the experience of the BAF II recipients and Business Development Service (BDS) providers.

The meeting was shared by Mr Sengphanomchone Inthasane, the Deputry Director General of the Department of Planning and Cooperation, MOIC. Almost 50 representatives from the Departments in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, NIU, Donors, BAF II team and BAF II grant recipients and BDS providers attended the meeting.

During the meeting, the participants listened to the presentation by BAF II representatives, and discussed about the progress, currently the government has completed 466 of approved matching grants, with 358 of grants fully disbursed, challenges and priorities, together with other additional actions that the project should implement to meet the new project milestones. The second session EMC was presented the results of Interim Impact Assessment that the BAF II supported firms always grow faster and increase in revenue more than non-BAF supported firms about 25-30% per year. In addition, the invited companies have opportunities to share their experience on working with BAF II team.

Mr Sengphanomchone Inthasane, the Deputry Director General of the Department of Planning and Cooperation, MOIC, closed the meeting by acknowledging all participant’s contribution and greed with the progress of BAF II operation together the results of the BAF II Interim Impact Assessment as EMC presented.

This meeting was supported by Lao Competitiveness and Trade Project (LCT), which is funded by The World Bank Group, Australian Aid, Irish Aid, and USAID. The purpose of the project is to reduce and eradicate constraints of business growth by the technical and budget assistance to improve business environment as well as to improve the regulatory environment, lowering trade costs and raising firm-level competitiveness.

Categories: LCT NEWS