USAID Enhances Tourism and Agriculture Sectors in Champasak through Public-Private Dialogue

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Champasak, September 19, 2024 – The Champasak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) and the Champasak Department of Industry and Commerce, with support from USAID’s Laos Business Environment Project, organized a series of vital technical public-private consultation meetings on September 19 and 20, 2024. The meetings brought together representatives from both the private sector and government to directly address key challenges identified by business associations in the tourism and agriculture sectors, paving the way for collaborative solutions that benefit local businesses and communities.

As part of its ongoing efforts to strengthen the Champasak Local Public-Private Dialogue (LPPD) Mechanism, USAID is fostering open communication between public and private stakeholders to address critical barriers to tourism growth. These include the absence of clear local tourism promotion strategies and a shortage of skilled labor.

“This meeting gave us the opportunity to identify specific challenges, such as outdated regulations and infrastructure gaps, that have been holding back our tourism and agriculture sector,” said the President of the Champasak Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “By collaborating with the government, we are confident we can implement solutions that will attract more visitors and create sustainable economic opportunities for our community.”

Beyond tourism, the consultations also addressed pressing issues in the agriculture sector, with a focus on the coffee and cassava subsectors. Participants discussed challenges such as low productivity at the farm level, the absence of minimum quality standards for coffee exports, land rights for coffee producers, inconsistent taxation for coffee exporters, and membership in the International Coffee Organization.

“A strong and unified private sector is essential to the success of Visit Laos Year 2024, the long-term growth of our tourism industry, and the sustainable development of our agriculture sector,” emphasized the Chief of Party of the Laos Business Environment Project. “We believe today’s discussions, along with the election of new leadership, will lead to greater collaboration, improved infrastructure, enhanced policies, and ultimately, more vibrant and sustainable tourism and agriculture sectors in Champasak.”

The USAID Laos Business Environment Project remains committed to supporting the Government of Laos in creating a conducive environment for business growth. By promoting public-private dialogue and empowering local stakeholders, USAID is helping unlock the potential of the tourism and agriculture sectors, driving economic growth in Champasak Province.

Categories: LBE NEWS

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