EIF Tier I Project

Project title: Strengthening National Quality Infrastructure and Industrial Statistics in the Lao PDR
Grant recipient: National Implementation Unit, Department of Planning and Cooperation, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Government of Lao PDR
Starting date: August 2013
End date: July 2016
Duration: 3 years

Enhanced Integrated Framework funding sought in USD: 2,520,350
Government contribution in USD: 871,200

Category of project: Technical assistance and capacity building.
Grant recipient: National Implementation Unit, Department of Planning and Cooperation, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Government of Lao PDR
Implementation entity: Department of Standardization and Metrology, Ministry of Science and Technology; Department of Industry and Handicraft, Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Primary objectives of the project are: A) to strengthen the national quality infrastructure; and B) to support the enhancement of industrial statistics, thus contribute to increasing quality, safety and reliability of Lao products and services, and improving overall competitiveness of Lao businesses.